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  • Can Ticks be serious?

Generally Ticks are only a problem with heavy overgrowth, if a property is close to bush land or if there are host animals on or around the property digging burrows. Although it is quite uncommon to have Ticks inside a well maintained home, it does happen from time to time when animals or entering & exiting multiple times. Ticks may attempt to feed on humans before returning to their sheltered sites. Illness’s from Ticks n Humans have tripled over the past 15 or so years. Ticks can transmit over 15 different serious & non serious virus’s to humans, with the worst being Lyme disease. If left untreated, Lyme disease can affect the heart and nervous system, so early detection and medical intervention are crucial.

  • How will I know if I have ticks?

The first signs are usually the pests themselves. Secondary signs can include medical symptoms from diseases or fluids transmitted by ticks. These can vary and are best left to a medical professional for diagnosis. Repairing any crevices or gaps and keeping grass cut short outside may discourage infestations.

  • How can I prevent ticks?

The disposal of all empty bird and rodent nesting materials is necessary, as they will readily infest these items. The pests prefer tall grass and brush, so trimming lawns and adding gravel barriers around wooded areas and patios can help prevent bites.

  • Prevention for Pets

Regular pet inspections from a vet can reduce the chance of your pet contracting a tick-borne disease. Feeding ticks should be removed by a professional as soon as they are discovered. Many treatments are also available from your veterinarian’s office for tick control.

  • How did I get ticks?

Ticks do not fly & they do not jump, but they can hand onto onto fur, clothing, or skin. Ticks often hitchhike indoors on pets or household pests like rats and mice or banicoots. Tick infestation may also indicate a stray animal (possum, rodent etc.) is living near a home.